Electronic shelf labels (ESL) for stores and chains

Electronic shelf labels speed up shelving by 60% and pricing by 80%

Update the price of one product in one store or tens of thousands of products in all stores with a single click.

Speed up shelving by 60% and pricing by 80%

Frees up to 30% of employee time for tasks other than shelving

Increase profitability by saving time and increasing sales

Average repayment period 2-3 years

Long 10-year battery life minimises lifecycle costs

10-year battery life

We believe that every store aims to increase sales, enhance operations, and, above all, maintain customer satisfaction. This is where stores face challenges: inaccurate prices have a negative impact on customer opinions, and updating thousands of paper price labels is expensive and time-consuming. We are here to help you reach your goal – with guaranteed satisfaction.

Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL) are a modern solution for communicating up-to-date pricing information and as such create an efficient store environment both today and in the future. With automatic updates, pricing information is always accurate, thus eliminating the chance of manual errors. The same price on shelves and at checkout ensures customer satisfaction, increases trust, and creates cost savings, for example by reducing waste and freeing up staff time for more productive tasks and customer service.

With our step-by-step support, let us make your store’s pricing electronic today!

EWQ Queueless Services

Free customers from queueing for shopping

Electronic shelf labels

Automatically updating and always accurate prices increase customer satisfaction

Digital Signage

The moving images of versatile displays guarantee high awareness for your message


EWQ’s shelf labels have the best battery life on the market of up to 10 years, reducing life-cycle costs.

Always accurate prices

Automatically updated prices prevent manual pricing errors and increase customer satisfaction.

Real time price changes

Price updates up to 10 times faster compared to other electronic shelf labels enable real-time dynamic pricing, increasing sales and reducing losses.

Increase customer satisfaction

Say goodbye to manual pricing errors with electronic shelf labels. The electronic labels that update wirelessly via the store’s background system whenever a price changes or a promotion starts/ends ensure that the prices are always correct. And most importantly, having the same prices on shelves and at checkout increases customer satisfaction.

Nainen on ruokakaupassa ostoksilla
Elektroniset hintanäytöt nopeuttavat henkilökunnan hinnoittelutyötä

Save staff time

Free your staff from the costly and time-consuming printing and placing of price labels. The electronic shelf label prices are updated automatically, allowing your staff to focus on customer service, shelving and other more productive tasks.

Save on costs

There is no need for time-consuming and expensive printing and placing paper labels when all the available information, such as product information, scale numbers and prices, is transferred directly from the store’s system to thousands of electronic labels. EWQ’s electronic shelf labels boast the best battery life of up to 10 years, raising their life-expectancy to a whole new level and ensuring lower lifetime costs.

EWQ:n elektroninen hintanäyttö kertoo hinnan, tuotteen nimen ja tuotetietoja
ESL eli elektroninen hintanäyttö esittää hintaa ja kampanjaa

React quickly to buying behaviour

Electronic shelf labels allow for dynamic pricing, i.e. price changes based on different variables. React to a neighbouring store’s promotion, to weather conditions or even to the morning news’ headlines – set the price you want for electronic shelf labels quickly and easily. In addition, you can reduce waste by scheduling special prices at desired times.

Successful promotions

Based on our clients’ feedback, we know that electronic shelf labels increase the attention value and sales of products on offer. Automatic price updates ensure that each promotion’s and bundle’s price is shown, while the promotions highlighted in red on the electronic shelf labels increase the attention value. This encourages the industry to offer promotions, as suppliers and representatives can be confident that the agreed promotional product prices are found on shelves. The automatically updated price information on large digital displays further increases visibility.

Elektroniset Hintanäytöt käytössä apteekissa

Edit products manually

Automatically transferred product information is not always detailed enough, preventing your customers from receiving the information they need. Product information on electronic shelf labels can be manually edited, allowing for more detailed product descriptions. The electronic labels can also display a small red dot as an indicator of internal information as well as special markings indicating, among other things, if the product is gluten-free or vegan.

For all types of stores

Available electronic shelf labels range from small displays, including displays compatible with commercial freezers and refrigerators, to large A4 price displays that fit well at the end of a shelf and that can be used for promotional purposes. Price templates can be designed based on brand, department or product group using colour accents, logos and different fonts. The content can also be divided into parts in a cost-effective manner to display pricing and information for more than one product on one label. 

EWQ ESL eli elektronin hintanäyttö voi esittää hinnan lisäksi vaakanumeroa.
EWQ ELS-näytöt ovat käytössä myös Ruotsissa Hemköp-ketjussa

A solution for your needs

Over the years we have developed countless new features for our electronic shelf label solution that have brought added value to both customers and staff alike.  Development never sleeps at EWQ – we are constantly and actively innovating together with our clients!


Grocery stores
Electronic shelf labels will make your store more efficient and reduce labour costs, as staff no longer have to set pricing information manually. The labels also enable dynamic pricing, allowing you to react quickly to buying behaviour and reduce losses. Versatile features, such as the electronic shelf labels’ LEDs, also make picking up products for online orders easier and faster.
Automatically updating electronic shelf labels streamline the pricing of your pharmacy by eliminating the time-consuming need to change thousands of paper price labels manually, freeing up staff for customer service. Tightly packed shelves are not an issue either, as one electronic shelf label can hold two products’ information and display them right by the products. This saves both space and costs, as you only need half the amount of labels.
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