Peten Koiratarvike


Peten Koiratarvike is a pet supply store and online shop specialising in pet food. Peten Koiratarvike is part of the Musti Group, the largest pet supply chain in the Nordic countries and the fourth largest in Europe.
Locations: 6



Freeing up staff time for the non-essentials – customer service. Dynamic pricing and ensuring the same prices online and in stores.
Electronic price displays make work faster and easier and increase job satisfaction. It now takes eight minutes instead of an hour to price 80 products.
Area Sales Manager
Jemina Niininen

Peten Koiratarvike

Peten Koiratarvike, a pet food store and online shop with a strong growth in turnover and range of products, switched to electronic pricing in 2023 with EWQ’s solution. The solution includes electronic price displays (ESL) on shelf edges and larger ScanToPair displays showing frozen product information. Electronic pricing has made pricing quicker and easier, improved job satisfaction and freed up staff time for customer service, which is Peten Koiratarvike’s key differentiator.

In 2023, Peten Koiratarvike wanted to go digital and switch to electronic pricing, which would facilitate dynamic pricing and ensure the same prices both online and in stores. They also wanted to improve the efficiency of their shop work; changing price tags was very time-consuming and staff needed to be adequately resourced. While online shops only needed to press a button, in-store shops had to print, tear, fold and put in place. It took between three and six hours a week to fold them.

“Pricing was nobody’s favourite thing. It was not an essential part of the shop’s work and took a long time,” says Jemina Niininen, area sales manager of Peten Koiratarvike.

With EWQ’s electronic pricing solution, prices in the online shop and in the store change at the same time and at the same speed.

“Electronic price displays make work faster and easier and increase job satisfaction. It now takes eight minutes instead of an hour to price 80 products. Staff time is freed up for customer service, which we want to invest in!” Niininen says.

Peten Koiratarvike has a lot of different offers and special promotions, which had to be taken into account during the planning phase and integration. Campaign labels were implemented with colour accents and different shapes, so that the limited-time and quantity offers as well as the basic campaigns stand out from each other and from the normal-priced products.

Peten Koiratarvike uses an electronic price display that alternates between the price on the first page and product information for staff on the second page, such as balance, menu category, product life cycle and product group. The additional information page helps staff with shelving and also tells them, for example, which shelf spaces should be cleared of outgoing products.

The staff have also been pleased with the changes. Suvi Katajisto, a salesperson, says the price display system is quick and easy and wonders why it hasn’t been introduced earlier.

“Yesterday the price changes came in and all we had to do was watch the prices change. It fits really well for 2024!” Katajisto says.

Niininen has been pleased with the cooperation between EWQ and Peten Koiratarvike. The communication has been excellent and he has always been aware of what was going on.

“EWQ’s price display solution is already good as it is and in the future we can use it even more!” Niininen concludes.

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